Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Vital Statistics, One-Year-Old Edition

The final part of the birthday ritual was this morning, when we took Nicholas for his check-up and shots.  The bottom line is that he's perfectly healthy, he's right about the fiftieth percentile for both height (30 inches) and weight (21 lbs., 11 oz.).  So he's very average.  But he has a big head (75th percentile), which should not be surprising given his lineage.

The food front is the only real big change for Nicholas based on this visit.  He's now allowed to eat anything that's not a choking hazard (so not nuts for a while, but he can have peanut butter).  More importantly, the doctor wants him to stop drinking formula.  So we're trying to get him to switch relatively quickly to drinking whole milk, and exclusively out of a cup (sippy, of course).  No more bottles!  It's another sad moment for Mommy as she adjusts to the idea that Nicholas just isn't a baby anymore.

But all in all, a successful visit with confirmation that we have a happy and healthy baby toddler.


  1. Huzzah! Milk is so much less expensive, and much less work, too! Just pour and pass it along!

  2. Rob, Rob, Rob. Has three-year-old Abby so fogged your eyes about how to deal with a one-year-old? We don't get to "just pour and pass it along," oh no. What comes to mind is a process more like "pour, pass along, then cajole, then try to make sure sippy cup doesn't end up (intentionally or otherwise) thrown on the floor ... repeat until at least one ounce has been drunk."

    On the other hand, I'm right there with you on the cheapness!

  3. Turns out that this weekend Abby poured milk on herself at lunch. Ugh. I miss the sippy cup sometimes! :o)
