Monday, May 31, 2010

Budding Pete Seeger fan

Today on the way down to my parents' house and back we listened to the Pete Seeger children's songs CD we got out of the library, and it was definitely a success. The songs were catchy and Nicholas seemed happy, but what really clued us in to how much he was paying attention was the way he interacted with the music. I'm not sure if it was the songs themselves or the fact that the CD is a recording of a live concert performed in 1962 and you can hear the audience, but he was completely engaged.

Often when the audience applauded or clapped along to the beat, he joined in. That was pretty cool, but he claps whenever other people clap, so not too unusual. But then came the songs with sound effects and audience participation. Some of the times when the audience was singing along, he "sang" along too. Nowhere near the right words, but a very loud and purposeful "ya ya ya" coming from the backseat, especially when what was being sung were repeated syllables, or semi-nonsense things. The absolute best, though, was in a song about old cars where both Pete Seeger and the audience made car noises by essentially blowing raspberries. Without any prompting from us, Nicholas started doing raspberries as well. That was just cool. And he seemed very excited to participate.

I sometimes wonder how much he is really paying attention to the music we have on in the car. (Especially when I'm listening to the VeggieTales CD for the 8 millionth time and wondering if I can switch over to the radio.) But apparently he really is paying attention. And if this CD gets him engaged, all the better. I'm really curious when he will start picking up on some of the other participatory elements, most of which are aimed at preschool/elementary aged kids.

The other cool thing about this CD is the element of tradition and history. I remember my dad singing many of these songs on long car trips, and so listening to them automatically made me smile and get all nostalgic. And how cool is it that Nicholas was listening to (and enjoying) a concert where the kids in the audience are the same age as his grandparents? I know, I'm a sap.


  1. I would add that on top of everything that Sarah already mentioned, this CD may also help me/us add to our repertoire of songs to sing to or with Nicholas. I like that he has favorites, but it was getting to be high time to expand our play list!

  2. It is really neat when they do that. This weekend Abby was barking back at NPR! Just repeating, really, but adding her own emphasis as if to say "really, NPR? Really?"

    Music is an awesome way to keep family traditions from generation to generation. Glad he's digging the same stuff you are!
