Friday, May 14, 2010

Teeth and Colds

The little boy is having a rough few weeks.

He is cranky and whiny and being a complete pain. He is still all stuffed up and the cough is driving him crazy. His nose is also constantly running, which means we have to wipe it frequently, which he hates.

And those molars I had been so excited about coming through without bothering him seem to be really bothering him now. I guess the initial poking through wasn't as bad as the blunt large surface area sections that are now coming through.

He has also been pulling on his right ear, but since the doctor just looked in his ears on Wednesday and that is the side the molars are coming in on, I am hoping it isn't actually another ear infection.

At any rate, he is not a happy little boy. And his crankiness is wearing me out. We ended up keeping him home from daycare yesterday, which means I have 5 straight days with Mr. Crankypants. Yesterday we even tried putting in ToyStory, hoping it would capture his interest enough that he would sit still and rest. And it did, for about 7 minutes. I think that is a record for him in terms of TV watching, but it was not quite the respite I was hoping for.

I am just hoping he can beat this cold soon and the teeth can finish coming through and he can go back to his normal self. Because as much as this is hard on me, it is so much harder on him.

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