Friday, May 7, 2010

As Promised . . . The Boy Playing Ball

As I mentioned a couple days ago, we are out of space in the account we had been using for the Peanut Gallery. The solution we've come up with is to start a new account to supplement. So you'll notice some changes on the toolbar on the right. The picture previews and link to the Gallery are now only for pictures beginning May 2010. Older pictures are now in the Archive, which you can get to by clicking on the slideshow and then the tab marked "Joe's Gallery."

So far in the new gallery there is only a video I took last weekend of Nicholas "playing ball." This is his favorite game, although it has lots of variations on any given day and can be played either solo or with adults. In the video Nicholas also shows off some of his new skills (real crawling, pulling up, sitting up from tummy--all the things he learned to do when he suddenly discovered he has knees), as well as illustrates how much more difficult these skills are when you won't let go of the ball you're holding onto. Because this video is huge, we will probably remove it at some point to make room for more photos, so the above link will only work in the short term.

For the past week or two Nicholas has forgotten about walking on his own as he worked on these newly discovered skills. And we were completely fine with that. But last night when friends were over for dinner we asked Nicholas to show them how he could walk on his own. And that apparently was enough to remind him that he could do that. Oops. So today he has been doing a lot of walking. He'll be playing with something on the other side of the room and turn around, suddenly get this look of excitement and take off for you. At one point he walked halfway across the apartment on his own--a good 15 feet!

1 comment:

  1. I love the look of your proud little guy as he accomplishes task after task. So cool!
