Tuesday, December 31, 2013


We are back in Maryland after a wonderful visit to Kentucky.  Now that the trip is over I will admit that I was a little worried that everyone who said we were crazy to take a 7-week old on this trip was going to be right and it was going to be disastrous.  And we probably were crazy, but it was not disastrous.  I am not any more tired and frazzled than I would have been after 5 days at home with both kids and we got to spend some good quality time with my grandparents as well as some of my aunts and uncles and cousins.

Both kids get gold stars for the travel.  Nicholas is a well-seasoned traveller and almost always does a good job, but he did a super-impressive job on the way back, helping out with the craziness of security and not even asking to use any electronic devices on the plane.  Joe hasn't flown with Nicholas very much and so is still impressed by it, which was a good reminder to me of how good Nicholas really is.  In fact, Joe remarked on the way out about how well-trained I have Nicholas at airports and flying.  And it is true--we are a well-oiled machine when it is the two of us.  I was less certain of how we would do with the extra kid.  Elizabeth basically slept the entire time both at the airport and on the plane on the way out, half-waking to nurse during takeoff and landing.  She had more awake time on the way back, but we were doing really well through landing.  Then we sat on the taxiway at BWI for half an hour after landing before going to our gate.  She started getting fussy a few minutes into the time on the taxiway and I figured we were in trouble.  But we got her back, had some good awake time, she started to lose it again, we got her back, and repeated that a couple more times. 
From 2013 December
She finally was really done when the plane was 3/4 empty.  As the last few rows of people walked by (we let everyone else get off the plane before we attempted to gather up all of our gear and get off), multiple people commented, "That's how I feel" in response to her crying, but no one seemed annoyed in the least.  It helps that she didn't start until they knew they were getting off and could escape.  And at 7 weeks old she made it through 2 flights and a ground delay with hardly a whimper before those last few minutes.  And then both kids did a great job through a ridiculous delay waiting for luggage, walking through the airport, getting carseats reinstalled, etc.  By the time we got in the car it was 3 1/2 hours after Nicholas' bedtime and he was still being a big helper pulling his own suitcase and waiting patiently.  So, gold stars for them both.  They don't realize it, but their performance on this trip has likely bought them an extra vacation this summer, as we won't be as scared of the travel.
From 2013 December

On this trip to Louisville we did more activities than usual, since Nicholas is getting older and so more interested in the things I remember from my childhood.  In addition to the regular trip to the zoo,
From 2013 December
we went to the science center this time around and had a great time!  Two of my cousins went with us, which would have been fun anyway, but was extra fun because they have both spent time volunteering at the science center and so knew the ins and outs of the place.  There was also very little traffic, which made the experience much more fun.  We got to my grandfather's house from the airport around 11am and the plan was for my cousins to meet us at the house around 1 to leave.  But then Nicholas actually fell asleep when I took him upstairs with me to rest and I let him sleep for a little bit before waking him.  And then Elizabeth needed to eat.  And then we had to get ourselves organized.  And so on.  And so it was 3 before we got to the science center.  Apparently all other parents operate under our usual plan of doing outings in the morning because the crowd was thin.  But we had so much fun!  Elizabeth slept through the whole thing in the BabyBjorn and the four adults got to play with Nicholas at a bunch of cool interactive exhibits.  I honestly think we enjoyed many of them as much or even more than he did.  My favorite was trying to build an arch that then collapsed on our heads.
From 2013 December
Nicholas' favorite was a wind tunnel that blew foam pieces around and out.
From 2013 December

Other than that, we mostly hung out at my grandparents' houses and enjoyed time to talk, catch up, and play.  Elizabeth has become little miss social.  For the first 3 weeks or so of her life she had no interest in people, to the point that it seemed like she was actively avoiding making eye contact or looking at us and I was getting worried.  Then she started to look at us but seemed to mostly be looking at our hairlines.  But she now loves people and will eye lock you.  She could probably win a staring contest.  She tends to give big smiles to new people and in every group we were in she picked a favorite person who she focused on the most and saved her biggest smiles for.  She still doesn't smile all that often in a given day, but she does give big intentional smiles to certain people and in certain situations.

She had a couple extra fussy days, which I suspect is because she was working so hard processing all the new people and places.  She just wanted to walk laps around my grandfather's house for hours, which was giving me flashbacks to Nicholas' first Christmas there when he would make us walk laps with him so he could explore.  And all things consider I'd prefer to carry a 7 week old around than walk on my knees with a 7 month old who insists on walking himself even though he is too young to actually walk.

When Nicholas was a baby and toddler we always noticed cognitive leaps after trips when he had been around lots of people, so we're curious to see what the last few days have worked on Elizabeth.  Then again, it is hard to know where to bound the "trip" and if we include the entire 2 1/2 weeks (which could make sense given that we had a bunch of my high school friends over today, are having a bunch of grad school friends over tomorrow, etc), it is impossible to know what is the result of the trip and what would have developed anyway between 6 weeks and 2 months of age.  It is hard to believe, but by the time we get home she will have spent more than 1/4 of her life outside of Massachusetts!!!

There are approximately a bazillion pictures in the album (click on 2013 December below any of these pictures to see the whole album), but here are a few more of my favorites:
From 2013 December
From 2013 December
From 2013 December
From 2013 December
From 2013 December
From 2013 December
From 2013 December

Monday, December 30, 2013

More Christmas

A few more pictures of Christmas:
From 2013 December
From 2013 December
From 2013 December
From 2013 December
From 2013 December
From 2013 December
All told, Elizabeth had 4 Christmas outfits. She had her Christmas dress for mass, Christmas pajamas, and then had to replace her shirt and bib halfway through Christmas Day because she spit up all over them.

Friday, December 27, 2013


For most of this trip it has felt like the kids (and maybe the world) were conspiring to keep me from sleeping.  Elizabeth was hardly sleeping at all in her pack n' play until the last night but whenever she would finally be asleep in the pack n' play or when Joe had her and so I was in bed, Nicholas would wake up and need me. Or Nicholas would have a coughing fit that would wake Elizabeth up.  And the last morning in Maryland both kids were happily asleep in their own beds but I still couldn't sleep because we had to be up at 5:30 to go to the airport.

But last night everything and everyone worked together to allow me to get a good night's sleep.  Nicholas slept 8:30-7:30!  And Elizabeth spent 11:00-7:30 in the pack n' play with only a 45 minute break to eat!  From 11:00-2:00 she was pretty fussy, waking up every 5-20 minutes and having to get herself back to sleep, which meant that I was waking up every 5-20 minutes.  For the first hour or so I had to get her the pacifier each of those times, but after that I just woke up and listened and then we both fell back asleep.  But I got close to 8 hours of sleep and it was only somewhat broken!  Amazing!

We are in Louisville now and having a great time.  I didn't bring the camera cord, so there will be no pictures for awhile.  But rest assured, I am taking them. ;)

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Grandpa Dan

Grandpa Dan sings to her and lets her watch tv.  Elizabeth is a fan!
From 2013 December
From 2013 December
From 2013 December

Travels, Part 1

Every year I wish the semester didn't end so close to Christmas and this year was no exception.  Because finals week is of course the perfect time to also do Christmas shopping, mail Christmas cards, and do all of the prep work necessary for a long trip.  I really don't think we could have made it through finals week without my mom's help.  She took care of Elizabeth so we could hold office hours and grade, did laundry so we could pack, put stamps on Christmas cards, and in general kept us from losing our minds.

The drive down to Maryland via New York was long but actually surprisingly easy.  Elizabeth slept literally the entire time the car was moving.  And having a grown up in the backseat gave Nicholas someone to keep him occupied.  Of course we paid for a long quiet drive when Elizabeth didn't go to bed until 2am and Nicholas was a mess the next day because he was up so late.

We stopped in New York on the way to see Joe's parents and allow Elizabeth to meet Grandma Claire.
From 2013 December
From 2013 December

And then down to my parents' house, where Elizabeth has been having better days after her cranky fest all last week, but refusing to sleep unless being held or in her carseat.  My parents borrowed a swing from a friend and Elizabeth will sleep in that for a short period, but it isn't as soft and round as her swing, so her naps in it are pretty short.  And she absolutely will not sleep in the pack n' play for an extended period.  Last night I was so desperate for her to sleep in the pack n' play at least a little (I'm scared of setting up bad habits with her sleeping in our arms all night) that I spent an hour sitting on the floor shaking the bottom of the pack n' play to make it "vibrate" to keep her asleep.  It mostly worked.  But every time I stopped shaking it she woke up and I reached the point where I just needed to sleep.

She has been really interested in all the new people she has met, but still prefers watching her big brother over anyone else.
From 2013 December
From 2013 December

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

My Sister's Keeper

Hi there! I'm taking a turn (after a very long time) writing for the blog. So yes, I'm still here, lest you wonder.

Anyway, this evening Nicholas came home from school with another art project he'd done for Elizabeth. Let me show you what it looks like:

From 2013 December

Any guesses?

It's a sticker chart, which we use with Nicholas to keep track of when he does what he needs to do (especially his morning and evening routines). Each time that Nicholas successfully completes his assigned tasks, he gets a sticker, and when he fills up his chart, he earns a treat of some kind. That's how he got to see Planes with Mommy this summer, and if he'll ever listen, I will owe him a trip to IHOP in the near future.

So Nicholas spent some part of today making Elizabeth one. When he finished dinner, he asked for stickers. When we gave them to him, he asked, "has Elizabeth been good?" Yes, we said. "Okay, she gets a sticker!"

He also wrote her name on the back (though a teacher helped him to spell Elizabeth's name).

From 2013 December

So that makes another way that Nicholas has decided that he's in charge, though it's had almost no influence on how he does with his own responsibilities (it's been maybe a week since his last sticker).

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Growth Spurt

I certainly hope Elizabeth has been going through a growth spurt because that would mean that the reversion to newborn eating habits and refusal to be consoled are temporary.  I can't handle the screaming!  There are some signs that she might be starting to come out of it and I certainly hope that is the case.  I miss playing with her.  Heck, at this point I even miss walking around the apartment with her looking at me quietly.

1 month stats

I have liked having Nicholas' stats to look back at, so here are Elizabeth's from her doctor's appointment yesterday (although that actually makes them 1 month and 1 week stats):

9 pounds, 13 1/2 ounces
21 1/2 inches

The doctor is really happy with her growth and development.  I was worried since she is over a pound lighter than Nicholas was at this point when she was born 5 ounces less, but apparently the doctor cares more about proportional growth than the exact number of ounces and Elizabeth's growth lines are good.  And Elizabeth passed all the little developmental tests she gave her with flying colors.  In fact, Elizabeth was holding her head up so well and so high that the doctor just stood there admiring her for awhile.  Honestly, I was surprised as well because it was higher than she ever does at home.  I guess I need to stop putting toys on the ground so she has to look up for things off interest.

Sunday, December 15, 2013


We got our first snow accumulation last night and this afternoon I took Nicholas sledding for the first time ever.  He loved it!  I had been a little nervous that it would be too adventurous for him.  And I even went down twice--once by myself and once with him--and I felt so free!
From 2013 December
From 2013 December
From 2013 December
From 2013 December

Elizabeth didn't go outside, but we dressed her as a snowman for the occasion. 
From 2013 December
And she even smiled for the camera:
From 2013 December

Friday, December 13, 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Real Smiles

Elizabeth is smiling!  As in real, intentional smiles in response to things.  Joe has noted in recent days that he had gotten what seemed to be real smiles and today I got them and they were definitely real because they were replicable.  Every time I brought my face in close to hers she smiled!

I can't tell you how happy this makes me, both because it is fun and because it is such a good developmental sign.

Monday, December 9, 2013

One Month

From 2013 December
From 2013 December

Christmas Card Pics

We took the pictures for our Christmas card yesterday.  And given that Elizabeth was screaming for the first 2/3 (I would put the pacifier in to calm her down and then pull it out when the photographer said "3") and that they had only 10 minute rushed slots because of the holidays, it went much better than it could have.  JC Penney has now made it impossible to pull even low-res images from the site, so I can only post pics of the outfits.
From 2013 December
From 2013 December
From 2013 December

Nicholas spent the weekend obsessed with these mermaid paper dolls.  One of the student teachers at his school made him one on Friday.  He then made his own replica and has since made one for each of us.  Ariel has gone everywhere with us, although I put bans on places where she had to stay in the diaper bag. 

I allowed Ariel to come to the mall but forbid her from being in the pictures.  When Nicholas asked why I explained that she wasn't part of the family.  His response: "But I made her last name _____."  He is getting too clever for me.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Stalking Santa

We almost had a holiday disaster yesterday.  Santa was going to be at church for our Christmas bazaar and so we had been talking all week about seeing Santa.  Nicholas had been thinking up questions to ask him all week.  (As a side note, it is so Nicholas to come up with questions instead of a list of requests.)  I could have sworn the bulletin said Santa would be there 11-1, but when we showed up at noon we were told that he was there 9-11 and so was gone.  Oh no!

Nicholas was crushed.  He didn't throw a fit or anything, but he was on the verge of tears.  And I was both disappointed and feeling incredibly guilty.  And so I began trying to think of ways to get him to see Santa.  And then I remembered that Clair had posted about tree lighting festivities in her town (one town north of us).  So I looked it up when we got home and, sure enough, Santa was going to be there and meeting with kids.  So we changed the plan for the day.  Joe was at a choir concert but my mom and I took the kids to the festivities.

We went to see Santa first, since that was the most important objective.  And we're glad we did that first because we had to wait in line for half an hour and just made it before Santa had to take an hour break to participate in the activities around the Christmas tree.  Nicholas was very patient waiting in line. And Elizabeth was zonked.
From 2013 December

When we finally made it to Santa, Nicholas got super-shy all of the sudden.  Santa was totally awesome, but he could only wait so long for Nicholas to be willing to talk since there was a long line and many of those families were going to have to wait out his long break as it was.  Santa did make Nicholas laugh
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and of course I had to get a picture of both kids with Santa
From 2013 December

and Nicholas finally spit out one of his questions (why does Santa live where it is so cold) as we were leaving.

We then met up with Clair and family and got the kids balloon animals, decorated cookies, and decorated ornaments.  Well, the kids decorated things.

And Elizabeth slept through the whole thing.  It was very cold out and we were in and out of buildings, so I had her all bundled up and in the baby bjorn. 
From 2013 December
From 2013 December

It helps that she is suddenly in the last week getting more predictable.  She still doesn't have a real schedule yet but between 6am and 7pm she is going about 3 hours between feedings after a given feeding I can generally predict whether she is going to have alert time and cat naps or a 3-hour nap based on what the rest of her day has looked like. 

So what started as a disaster turned into a delightful adventure.  I love when that happens.