Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Some friends of ours have a daughter who is about 2 weeks older than Nicholas and they arrived back in town last week for the first time since the kids were born. We hung out with them at a couple of the guys' softball games last week, and the kids had their first official "playdate" yesterday. Okay, so they are way to young to have any idea what is going on, but the playdate is great for me. It is nice to have someone to talk to who is going through all the same things. It is therapeutic to talk to someone who you know understands, and sometimes great ideas or tips emerge. For example, yesterday I was introduced to the wonders of the black and white board book, which I then picked up two of for Nicholas when I was working at the public library later in the day. Since they are library books, we can only keep them for 6 weeks, but I figure that by then he will have moved on to a different stage anyway, right?

And the babies' reaction to these meetings? Mostly oblivious, although they each have had a moment when the other was crying where they looked confused. We assume they were thinking, "Wait, I hear crying, but I'm not making the noise. What is going on?"

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