Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Worn Out

I feel like I should write a post in honor of our anniversary reflecting on how our marriage has changed since Nicholas, how much I love Joe, and all that jazz, but I'm too worn out to reflect. So suffice it to say, both of those things are true. And now I'll move on to another boring narrative post because really that is all I currently have the mental capacity to compose.

I woke up this morning intending to take Nicholas to the aquarium as our morning outing, but the rain they were predicting had already passed and it was a gorgeous fall day out, so we changed our plans. I decided to try out a playground, so we went to the one up at Oregon Ridge because it is large and cool looking. However, I'm obviously new to the playground scene because I didn't think about the fact that the overnight rain would mean everything would be wet. So after we walked around for about 5 minutes and I determined there was nothing we could do, we went to the other section of the park to go for a hike.

From Nicholas - Month 5
About 5 minutes into that, however, I changed my mind again. Thanks to the wind there were nuts, fruit, and branches falling all around us and that just didn't seem safe. So instead we spent quite awhile looking at the turkeys outside and the turtles in the nature center. Nicholas seems intrigued by animals as long as they keep moving. If they stop moving it is like he can't even see them anymore. He really liked when one of the turkeys came up to us and started poking his head through the fence. I, however, took a large step backwards.

After some errands, lunch, and some playtime at home, I was beat. But Nicholas was still too energized to fall asleep, so back out we went. This time we just went to the playground up the road. Everything was dry, so we played for awhile. I went down the slides with him, went on the swings with him, and even had him do one slide by himself with me holding him (as opposed to on my lap). I was bummed that he seemed completely nonplussed by the whole thing. He wasn't upset by them, but he also didn't seem particularly excited or interested.
From Nicholas - Month 5
Honestly, he seemed most interested in looking at the trees moving in the wind and watching cars drive past. So we did that for awhile. Sometimes I forget that he really is still just 4 months old and so his interests are pretty simple. But I have to admit that just sitting outside on a beautiful day looking at the trees with him was sort of nice. There is something to be said for quiet, simple, and calm.

1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo for a wonderful day.

    Tip from a "pro" is to leave a towel in the car for rain-covered park activities. We also carry one in the stroller, too.
