Saturday, October 3, 2009

Apple Picking

From Nicholas - Month 5

We went apple picking this morning with my mom and had a lot of fun. It was the perfect day for it--sunny and warm, but not too hot. It only took us about half an hour to pick all the apples we can use, but it was good to be outside. And, as I was telling Nicholas, I remember going apple picking with my grandparents. And on Monday he and I will go down and help my mom make applesauce, something I think I will forever associate with Grandma O.

Nicholas obviously couldn't pick any apples, but he was intrigued by them (as you can see in the picture at the top). And he enjoyed looking around at all the trees and plants and just being outside and hanging out with my mom. He got pretty worn out and went into thumb-sucking mode, but after a 2-minute power nap he was recharged enough to be good all through lunch. He is now beat, however, and is sound asleep after only half waking up to eat his own lunch. I consider him being this exhausted a sign of a good morning because it means he was working hard and playing hard.

The other nice thing about apple picking is that it was outside and so I got to take pictures in natural light. The first few had too much light, but here are a couple that I like a lot:

From Nicholas - Month 5

From Nicholas - Month 5

1 comment:

  1. So wonderful that you can do gernerational things with new generations!
