Monday, October 19, 2009

Play Hard, Sleep Hard

The "work hard, play hard" line doesn't really work with babies because playing is work for them, but I think "play hard, sleep hard" is a pretty accurate modification.

I just went to check on him and he is sound asleep ON HIS TUMMY. I guess he finally figured out how to suck his thumb while on his tummy. Either that or he was just so worn out from the day that he didn't care.

And no, I don't normally check on him while he naps. But when I peeked in through the door opening half an hour ago because he was talking a lot and I was curious what he was up to, I could no longer see him in his crib. I was afraid to open the door any wider because it is loud and he knows that sound means he is getting picked up. (We learned that one the hard way.)

We had fun at the library baby story time. It is listed as birth-23 months, but he was the youngest by far. There was only one other non-walker, who was 10 months old, and most of the others were probably 1 year-18 months. That makes sense, given the activity, but Nicholas enjoyed it, even if he didn't get as much out of it as they did. No, strike that, even if he got different things out of it than they did. The music is by far his favorite part, especially when it involves hand motions or even just clapping along. I already signed us up for next week. Have I mentioned that I love public libraries?

His nap on the way home was apparently not long enough, though, given how exhausting dancing, playing with blocks, and watching one-year-olds was, so he was sort of cranky with Steph while I went out to lunch with Uncle Andrew. But this was his first time with a babysitter other than my mom, so I consider somewhat cranky actually a success. And given how tired he was, I actually take it as a really good sign that he was willing to play and smile for some of the time I was gone. We should try again soon, when he is rested. And I should go out to lunch with my brother more often--I adore Nicholas but it is really hard to have an actual conversation when he is around. AND Peter called Andrew while we were at lunch, so I got to talk to both of my brothers. Good day all around.

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