Tuesday, October 20, 2009

B&O and other fun

From Nicholas - Month 5
Nicholas and I went to the B&O Museum today because it was free again, he doesn't care if he goes to the same place two weeks in a row, and I hadn't been yet. It was actually a really good museum for Nicholas because it was only a little museum and mostly just lots of old trains to look at and walk through. And I think he was the quietest kid there. Perfect.

I enjoyed looking at the trains, but I think Nicholas' favorite part was the one engine where you were allowed to play with the controls. As soon as I set him down on the seat to take off the Baby Bjorn, his eyes locked on the red knobs above him.
From Nicholas - Month 5
But, strain as he might, he couldn't reach them without help, so I picked him up and let him play.
From Nicholas - Month 5
He reached straight for the knobs, and actually managed to turn them some.

In other news, look who has finally decided that being on his tummy might not be the worst thing in the world (at least in small doses):
From Nicholas - Month 5
And, just because it is adorable:
From Nicholas - Month 5


  1. Way too cute! Glad y'all are making the rounds - it's hard to be cooped up in the house for too long!

  2. Did he visit the archives this time? He can thumb through the Minute Books.

  3. It's great to see him looking so involved and attentive! I can't wait until he's old enough to appreciate the Strong Museum (http://www.museumofplay.org/) - I would love to take him there.
