Friday, October 16, 2009

Gold Stars

Nicholas earned gold stars today for excellent behavior. We went to the mall this morning for toddler singing time and then walked around for a bit so he'd fall asleep. On our way out I noticed a sign for eye exams and since I've been using the same (last) pair of contacts for months because I haven't had a chance to get a new prescription, I figured I'd squeeze it in while he slept. Well, of course he woke up when I stopped moving the stroller, but he then sat on my lap angelically while I had my eye exam and tried a new kind of contacts. It was amazing.

I figured that he had used up his good behavior for the day, but the streak continued. He didn't go to sleep for about half an hour after I put him down for a nap, but spent that entire time talking happily to himself. Then he and I went to Panera for dinner because Joe is in Philly and Nicholas happily looked around and entertained himself while I ate. And then just talked to himself until he fell asleep when I put him down for the night. Angelic, I tell you.

I wanted to get him a treat for being so good, but since he can't eat treats, I have a fun-filled week planned for him instead. Okay, I was going to do all of this anyway because Joe is working all week to finish a chapter and I figured Nicholas and I needed to keep ourselves busy. But still. There is so much stuff going on that I have a list on the fridge so I don't forget all the times. We have something each morning, then afternoons are naps, so I figure we're covered.

Nicholas' Busy Week:

Saturday: grocery shopping (but not just any grocery shopping--Wegmans in the Baby Bjorn so he can "help") and then hopefully working on birthday presents for his grandmothers

Sunday: church

Monday: baby story/music at the library, then playing with Steph while I have lunch with Uncle Andrew

Tuesday: B&O Museum

Wednesday: Aquarium (with music again)

Thursday: Playing with Ellen

Friday: probably music at the mall, unless the weather improves and we can go outside

Saturday: Some all-day outing, with Daddy because his chapter will be done.

I'm excited!

1 comment:

  1. There's something, I don't know, maybe post-modern about coming home from a daytrip for work, and, instead of talking with your wife about her day with your son, being referred instead to the blog.
