Sunday, October 18, 2009


Lest you think Nicholas is always as wonderful as the recent posts would suggest, here is a post on one of the ways he drives me absolutely bonkers.

He has started adding a shriek into his repertoire of cries. It is mostly when he is really tired, so there isn't much I can do for him to stop it, which is all the more frustrating. He just shrieks and shrieks. And there is something about the pitch that just gets inside me and completely unwinds me. Really all it takes is a couple minutes of shrieking and I have entirely lost my patience.


On another annoying note, although not nearly as much so, he has continued flipping himself onto his tummy at night and yet has not gotten any happier about it. Goofball--just roll back over!

But tomorrow we go to the first of three music mornings this week. I'm excited because he has recently decided that he loves music. Last night when he was screaming on the car ride home because we had kept him out past his bedtime, the only thing that calmed him down was us singing to him. The really interesting thing is that he had definite favorites. "If You're Happy and You Know It," "Take Me Out to the Ballgame," "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," and the ABCs worked, but each time we tried anything else or stopped singing for a second to think of another song, he would start screaming again. I can't figure out what those songs have in common.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, the shrieking is part of growing his vocal chords. It will pass, or at least the randomness of it will.

    It's fun to see preferences develop. Abby would scream at us in the car when a song came on that she did not want to hear. It was really stressful for Anny (dealt with it every day) but funny to me! She now asks for CD's by name: "The Drums?" or "Signing Time!" Fun fun.
