Monday, October 19, 2009

Got Your Nose

I wish I was better at telling stories, but this one ends with my face covered in slobber, so hopefully I can't ruin it too badly.

Nicholas figured out this week that it is much easier to grab things if you go for the edges. He can now maneuver our fingers into his mouth, pull board games off the shelf, etc. Well, tonight he decided that my nose, with all its edges, would be the best target on my face. He went for it with his hands, but my face was too heavy to pull to him, so he plowed in with his mouth, faceplanting open mouth on my nose.

It brings whole new meaning to "Got Your Nose."

1 comment:

  1. Yum! Important milestones here, Sarah! At least he does not have teeth yet - but you have to start being careful about that one soon! :o)
