Tuesday, January 18, 2011


If you go back through the blog over the past three weeks, you may notice a theme: we haven't been home much.  That means that Nicholas has not been to daycare very much at all since Christmas (we counted: 3½ days).

So this morning was a bit of a shock to him, and even more so because the center opened late after an overnight snow/sleet/freezing rain/general slush storm.  When I came back in from cleaning the cars, he was already weeping and grasping at Sarah desperately as she scurried around to finish his lunch and get his jacket.

He stayed calm most of the way in the car, though I could hear an occasional muffled whimper.  But once we got to school he got clingy with me (you know the kid's upset when he does that).  But his friend Elliott was there playing, and Ms. Hilary took him after one quick hug, and then I beat a path out of there as quickly as I could.  No slow peel of the Band-Aid for me.  Just get it over with and get out.  I must admit I felt a little mean and cold (a familiar feeling if you know me), but staying was only going to prolong the maudlin and pathetic display.

Hopefully he feels better this evening, and even more we hope that within a day or two (max) he's back to enjoying school as much as he did in 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Routines are so important, but so is breaking them on occasion. He will be back to his norm in no time, I'm sure!
