Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Boo Mommy Shower

Nicholas was home sick today (just a cold, but he begged to stay home and I wanted to monitor the potential for an ear infection before putting him on a plane tomorrow) and by mid-afternoon I really wanted a shower and the little boy wouldn't sleep. So in desperation I locked him in the bathroom with me while I showered. And so Nicholas made up a game--"Boo Mommy Shower." Not surprisingly this game involved pulling back the shower curtain and yelling "Boo Mommy Shower" or occasionally "Boo Mommy in da shower."

This was mildly amusing, but when he really made me laugh is when he decided he was bored and so therefore I was done. And so he picked my sweatshirt up off the floor, pulled the curtain pack and tried to hand me my sweatshirt, demanding, "Mommy, sweater on." Apparently getting dressed was the key element in his mind to my being done.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, that is funny beyond words! My nieces have taken to trying to leave the house while mama showers, so maybe locking in the bathroom with you is the right method!
