Saturday, January 15, 2011


Nicholas is having a great time in Louisville. He loved going to the airport and on an airplane! Okay, honestly, he liked the airport more than flying. He could have watched the planes take off all day. As he would say, "Zooom!!!!" He was very excited about flying and tells anyone who asks how he got here that he was "on an airplane," but being confined got to him after a little bit. All things considered, though, he did very well.

And he has spent the past two days playing with great grandparents and exploring. And, of course, narrating the whole thing. I will try to write more details later, but I'm trying to squeeze in work whenever I can, so no promises. Since it is now the weekend a bunch of fun people are coming to join us later today, and tomorrow we are going to a family party. It is a good thing this little boy loves an audience.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're having a great trip! Abby is a HUGE fan of airports. Planes themselves can be pretty hard on little ones. (Big ones too - Anny is not the best with them...)

    Remember to play some while you are working! :)
