Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Potty Humor

I've had a couple of anecdotes that I've wanted to share but keep forgetting.  Sarah then pointed out that they both fall under the category of diaper changes, and that I could group.  Then she spent a week reminding me that I should post it.  And here we are.  Let's see if they were worth the wait.

First, Nicholas is very much turning into a middle-aged man as relates to his potty experience: he needs to read a book during his diaper changes.  What at one point was an easy way to get him to keep his hands out of anything messy has now turned into a required accessory to each diaper change.  Pick him up to put him on the changing table, and "book!" is very likely the next thing to come out of his mouth—either that or the name of the book he wants (he is a discerning reader).  This one is vaguely interesting, but not that great, I will admit.

But the second one.  I have now taught Nicholas to say "diapers are not negotiable."  It started when he was about six months old.  After a bath there is a dangerous vulnerable moment when he is neither covered by a towel nor a diaper.  At about that age, he started squirming around to get out of the towel because he didn't like being wrapped up, and I would work to get the diaper on quickly and make sure he couldn't squirm.  Just because, I would add, "the diaper is not negotiable."  I then repeated it dozens of times over the course of the past year saying it each time I gave him a bath.  In the last week or so, he's started to say it himself (or at least try to).  It's pretty comical, since he's not even close to coming up with the actual words, and he really has no idea what it means, but he's very proud of himself when we look at him and ask, "Nicholas, what are diapers?" and he answers, "not negotiable!"


  1. The book thing might work out to your advantage when it comes time for potty training - you can use the book as his constant between the diaper and potty! For most kids it is a huge transition, but if you have something that you can carry from one to the other, you have an upper hand!

    (Not implying that it's time, by the way, just putting this in your head for whenever it IS time!)

  2. Thanks for the tip. He's definitely nowhere near ready (he knows that he needs a new diaper after he's done something, which is a step in the right direction). But still a ways off from training time, though I may be a little more conscientious about patterns so that we can do carry-over.

  3. We did not have any diaper routines. We had to run out of diapers and give Abby no other option to get her trained, and even then it took three more months to get the poop in the right place. :(
