Friday, March 19, 2010

Tourney Time

Last year at this time, according to the blog, Peanut greatly enjoyed watching the NCAA tournament with Mommy and Daddy.  In addition, because of Peanut I will always associate the tournament with putting together baby gear, such as Peanut's rocking chair:

From Peanut's Blog

It was fun, and at the time, I resolved that the next year (i.e., this year) I would take a day off from working on either Thursday or Friday, hang out with the baby, and watch basketball with him.  (I knew at the time it would be a him, you only suspected it, but I would have wanted to do the same thing if Peanut had been a daughter.)  In other words, I've been looking forward to the opportunity for a while.

Anyway, I'm super-excited because today is our day.  I'm in charge of Fridays based on our daycare schedule, and so I have quite the schedule planned.  First, a morning trip to a nearby historic site I've been meaning to get to, the Hampton plantation in Towson.  Mostly it's a place to walk around on a beautiful morning.  Then naptime, of course, for Nicholas.

And then the fun begins!  Lunch will be served as a treat in the living room, so that Nicholas and I can enjoy (in HD!) the early game.  Here in Baltimore we get local team Morgan State as it goes up against West Virginia.  It may not turn out to be the most interesting game (we'll see), but who cares?  It's basketball!  It's father-son bonding time!


  1. So, your plan for the day is to watch a Historically Black University play basketball, but only after you've had a chance to visit a plantation in the morning? Interesting combo.

  2. It's all about the history lesson. Though Nicholas did keep asking me if we could put on Mommy's alma mater, or even Uncle Brian's. CBS would not comply.
