Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Weekend O' Grandparents

Nicholas had a very busy weekend, in which he saw all 4 of his grandparents!

We went up to NY for a quick trip (as in a 33 hour turnaround kind of quick) to see Uncle Patrick's last high school play and check out Grandma Claire's new digs. Here is Nicholas with his grandparents:

From 2010 March

The musical was a lot of fun and Patrick did a great job. Nicholas didn't get to see it because it was after his bedtime, but Grandma Alice stayed at home with him so both Joe and I could go. Nicholas did, however, get to go with us to Grandma Claire's. He had a lot of fun, especially when Grandma Claire played "Whine, Whine Little Baby" with him:

From 2010 March

And fed him whipped cream (with a side of yogurt parfait):
From 2010 March

Then on Sunday my parents came up for lunch and took Nicholas out for a walk and to the park (yay for warm, sunny weather!) so we could clean the apartment. There are no pictures of their outing, but we hear he enjoyed riding around in the stroller but was less than thrilled with the baby swing at the park. But now our house is clean and we even began the process of de-babyfying. While Nicholas may not be a "big boy" yet, he is definitely no longer a little baby and the gear he has grown out of or no longer needs was taking over our apartment. But it is now safely stowed away in the basement and we can safely walk to the front door without tripping. Success!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great weekend! The weather was perfect for walks around the lake!
