Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Title Tuesday: Mar. 16

Here at the Peanut Chronicle, as we mark the anniversary of the birth of James Madison today, we're all starting to lose our minds just a little bit.  Except for Nicholas, who yesterday learned how to say "aah."  But I realized that we haven't posted a thing in several days, so I will point out that there are some new photos in the Peanut Gallery (no matter the level of crazy in our house, Sarah still wields the camera several times a day).  And I've picked one as a Title Tuesday, if you'd like, but mostly because it's a fun shot.  Enjoy!

From 2010 March


  1. I would say that "AAAH" would be a fine title today! :o)

  2. Believe it or not, the rolled up sleeves IMMEDIATELY reminded me of this picture, the 2nd one on this page:


    March 16, 2010 2:30 PM

  3. I may need to rethink my dissertation argument then, because your making that connection suggests that if the Minutemen had just brought cute smiling 9-month-olds onto the field at Lexington, the British would have immediately surrendered.
