Wednesday, March 3, 2010

9-month stats

Nicholas went to the pediatrician this morning for his 9-month checkup. He weighed in at 20 lbs, 10 oz and they put his length at 28.5 inches. That puts him at a little over the 50th percentile in both categories. So he has rejoined the pack.

The appointment was largely uneventful. The doctor declared that we were right to be baffled by what he is supposed to be eating right now because pediatricians are baffled. Apparently the studies that have been done recently have yielded contradictory results and the medical community is at a loss. Great.

Anyway, he confirmed our suspicion that Nicholas isn't eating as much liquid food (i.e. breastmilk or formula) as a baby his age usually would, but suggested that we make up the difference with yogurt rather than an extra bottle of formula. I think I like this. Yogurt is more expensive per ounce, but we'll finish what he doesn't eat (so no waste!) and it isn't nearly as much of a pain to clean up. (Have I mentioned I hate cleaning bottles? The special ones we have for breastfeeding babies have too many parts and don't work well in the dishwasher. It was never a big issue before but now that we've added formula . . .)

I don't think there was really much else interesting from the appointment. I have a whole long post that has been writing itself in my head recently in response to some questions I've gotten, but things have been too hectic here to sit down and actually compose it. Maybe someday. But for now, Nicholas seems to be waking up and I need to finish dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Food/eating is such a hard thing to figure out - right now we're having issues too. As long as they are not losing weight, I am choosing to believe that it all balances out. :o)
