Saturday, March 20, 2010


From 2010 March

We decided to take advantage of the beautiful day to check out the Maryland Zoo today. It is definitely not my favorite zoo, mostly because of some odd (that may be too kind, but I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt) layout decisions (a parking lot that isn't actually paved, narrow wooden walkways between exhibits that don't have room for people, let alone strollers, to stop and look at anything without blocking the entire walkway . . .). BUT, it also has some features that I haven't seen at any other zoos. Namely, giraffes and elephants super close. I thought the giraffe was going to come lick Nicholas' face!

Nicholas was somewhat interested in the animals, but much more interested in holding onto every post, pole, and fence he could find. And he was not happy about the bright sun and lack of shade. I went out this morning to get him sunglasses, but he wouldn't leave them on, and the bright sun made his eyes water.

In sum, we'll plan our next trip either earlier in the day or on a cloudy day. The animals will be more active then anyway, which will make them easier for Nicholas to spot.

On another note, Nicholas has added two new tricks/games to his list. (And he sometimes acts like it is a list--he'll go through them one by one to test our responses.) Here is a picture of him doing one of these:

From 2010 March

It is basically singing a note which we are then supposed to replicate. He doesn't seem to have any idea about making different tones, however, and it always comes out sounding pretty similar.

The second new trick/game is much more fun. He has connected that the words "hi" and "wave" go with waving your arm, so will wave when we say either of those.

So, basically, he has progressed to the level of dog tricks. He waves if we say wave or hi, claps if we say clap or yay, and pulls his hands over his head if we say peekaboo. But, importantly, he also initiates each of these games, and we must respond with the appropriate word to his actions. So I guess you could say that we are also at the level of dog tricks. And, actually, I think he has trained us more than the other way around.

1 comment:

  1. So glad that you got to go to the Zoo this weekend! The weather was great.

    Have you tried the Baby Banz? They are warp around with a strap. Abby refused them at first, but when it was play-with-the-glasses or play-with-the-giraffe, she always picked the latter. :o)
