Thursday, July 7, 2011

School is Cool!

We're pretty sure Nicholas is sick of us.

On Monday, he starts at his new daycare center, the first time he'll be in school since his birthday in May. Tomorrow (i.e., Friday) we're going to take him over for an hour to get acclimated and meet his teachers and classmates, as well as to turn in some forms. So tonight at dinner we started laying the groundwork, telling him where we'd be going, that he'd meet his teachers and the "new kids," that his school has lots of toys and he'll get to play with them, and that he'll get to play in the water.

The boy went to bed as if it was Christmas Eve. He's that excited. He couldn't stop talking about school at dinner, with a glint in his eye that says that he's ready and eager to go. And it took him a while to fall asleep tonight, as we could hear him telling himself stories about school through the baby monitor.

We hope that the reality tomorrow matches his expectations today, though I must say, it's going to be tough.


  1. Love it! Abby is already gearing up for going back in five weeks! Good luck with the re-entry!

  2. Back to School as Christmas Even? As Grandma Alice would say: "♬♬ It's the most wonderful time of the year. ♬♬" (Her favorite Staples commercial)
