Saturday, July 16, 2011

Franklin Park Zoo

We gave Nicholas a very special treat today--we took him to the zoo! He was psyched to go and had a great time.

The coolest thing from the zoo (in my opinion) was that we stumbled upon a birthday party for the lion. The zookeepers got him into his pen and then brought out a "cake" made, I kid you not, of frozen blood. I mean, really, what more could you want on a hot summer day. And, as you can see, the lion liked it better than chocolate.
From 2011 July

Nicholas' funniest moments didn't really translate well to camera. He and Joe did their giraffe impressions by the giraffes:
From 2011 July

Basically this involves a very solemn face, chin up, and looking back and forth. It is pretty hilarious.

The other funny display I didn't even try to get a picture of, because the funny part was inherently the motion. We saw a tree kangaroo, who was most definitely not jumping, and as soon as Nicholas heard the word "kangaroo," he squirmed out of my arms to get down and spent the next few minutes saying, "Kangaroos say boing boing," with a very deliberate jump for each "boing." And he found this as hilarious as we did.

In general, it was a good zoo and cool to see once, but nothing phenomenal and so I doubt we'll do the drive to go there again.
From 2011 July
There are a few smaller zoos that don't require driving through Boston that we'll check out as alternatives. But, really, we were just spoiled by our zoo in Baltimore.


  1. Bummed when that happens - expectations had to be high after living so close to the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore.

  2. Personally I thought the Maryland Zoo improved with the comparison. I always thought it of a piece with the rest of Baltimore as a sort of disorganized and incomplete dump.

    Turns out they actually have about three times as many animals as in the Franklin Park Zoo. So there you go.
