Tuesday, July 12, 2011

He'll Repeat Anything . . . Just About

Nicholas will repeat just about anything you say if you ask him to. Or at least he'll give it a good try, which leads us to ask him to say things like "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" just for our own amusement.

Tonight after his bath, Joe brought him over to do "Boo Mommy," our standard post-bath game, where Nicholas, wrapped in a towel fresh from his bath, comes over and surprises the person doing dishes. After 3 rounds of this Joe prompted him to say, "I love you Mommy," which he diligently repeated. Followed by "Bye, Mommy, I'm going to get my pajamas on." Followed by a couple other phrases. Then Joe tried, "Daddy is the smartest person in the world." And instead of promptly repeating the phrase, Nicholas looked at Joe and broke into laughter.


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