Tuesday, July 19, 2011

School and Sentences

Nicholas is having a blast at his new school and starting to make friends. How do I know this? Because he tells me all about it on our drives home, and in increasingly complex sentences. Seriously, this child's language is out of control. (His talking is also so incessant that Joe tried the quiet game this evening. 10 seconds was the longest Nicholas could go. What can I say, he is my child.)

Sample from our car ride home today:
"I have a orange shirt. Zoie has a orange shirt too. Both have orange shirts. I'm going school tomorrow. Go in my classroom and say, 'Hi, Zoie. Let's go play!"

Nicholas was indeed wearing an orange shirt today. When I asked if Zoie was wearing an orange shirt in response to this little monologue, he replied, "Yes. Both have orange shirt."

He is getting really good at pronouns, especially the possessive my, your, and our. He also properly uses me, you, this, and that, although he hasn't yet figured out he and she. He has also gotten adept at using "all" and "both." In the past couple days he has added in pretty good use of "too." He is starting to catch on to when to use "ing" as a verb ending. And he has just started stringing together long chains.

Another example from tonight:
Joe: "Nicholas, do you want to go get the mail."
Nicholas (jumping up): "Bye bye, Mommy. I'm going downstairs with my daddy get the mail. Be right back upstairs." (The overuse of the possessive "my," especially in reference to us is a common thing right now, and sort of cute, I think.)

He then apparently chattered the whole way down and back up. The quiet game started a couple minutes later.

I was a little worried since he is one of the oldest in his class and when we were there a lot of the kids seemed not to talk much. But he has made another language jump in the week he has been there, so it isn't hurting him. And his teacher says he is constantly amusing them with the things he says. They already are smitten with him and I love to see it.

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