Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Title Tuesday: Jan 19

For those of you not familiar with Wordless Wednesday, it is a blog thing where you post just a picture, with no words. You may see it added to this particular blog soon, basically because it gives me an excuse to post more pictures.

And as a twist I am starting my own variation, which I am calling "Title Tuesday." My plan is to post pictures that are funny, odd, or otherwise seem to be calling for a title. This will only be fun, however, if you play along, so leave your title suggestion in the comments. Of course, no promises that we will update either of these series every week, but they involve photos so chances are good. :)

And, so, here is the photo for the first installment of Title Tuesday:
From 2010 January
Leave your suggestions for titles in the comments. Give me a reason to smile today. :)


  1. "Mixing Business and Pleasure"

    (Business of eating, pleasure of chillin'!)

  2. Since no one other than Rob seems to want to play, I'll offer one: "Gobble Gobble."
