Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Alea iacta est

Nicholas is now enrolled for day care, beginning on February 2, two days a week.  Please provide moral support and encouragement in the comments for a very shaky and nervous mommy who's having a little withdrawal crisis.

[Ed.: Title translation: "The die is cast," reportedly attributed to Caesar as he crossed the Rubicon, bringing his army into the territory of Italy (a major no-no in Roman tradition) to overthrow the consulate.  In other words, there's no going back now.]

1 comment:

  1. Socialization for Nicholas and peace of mind for you two to get things done to further your job prospects in the future. This sounds like a win-win to me. Have Sarah call Anny if she needs a boost. She was really bad off (and didn't tell me until two years later!) but made it through!
