Monday, November 30, 2009

6-month checkup

Nicholas went to the doctor this morning, and everything checked out fine. In what I am insisting on taking as good news, his growth has slowed down considerably, which means he should be okay in his infant carrier for awhile. He weighed in at 18 lbs 7 oz and 27 inches long. That puts him in the 75th percentile for both length and weight.

The really aggravating part of the visit was that he wasn't able to get the shots he actually needs. He got three vaccines for things he is unlikely to actually be exposed to, but there are no flu vaccines in sight. Babies aren't eligible to get flu vaccines until 6 months of age, but now that Nicholas is eligible, they don't have any left. Grrrr!

Our pediatrician is expecting to get in more seasonal vaccines soon, so we're supposed to call the office every few days until they arrive. And then hope that when it comes time for his second dose they haven't run out again. But they have no idea if or when they will get more H1N1 vaccines. And he needs two doses, so that means tracking down somewhere that has it in stock and is willing to give it to him and doing the whole thing twice. This is seeming like mission impossible. I was really hoping he'd have immunity by the time we began our Christmas and conference travels. It was also a key component to our plan to start part time daycare in January. So frustrating!

1 comment:

  1. Try the county health department - that is where Abby got hers. (And try Howard county, too. Use your parents address!)
