Sunday, November 15, 2009

Growth Spurt Dividends

I'm not sure if Nicholas gained any inches or pounds with this week's growth spurt, but he definitely got stronger and made some developmental leaps forward.

I think we can now officially say he can sit up on his own. He isn't 100% reliable not to lose his balance or throw himself backwards, so if you aren't going to sit behind him, you have to put a pillow there, but he can sit and play for long periods without any help and even reaches for toys in front and to the side of him without (usually) tipping over. I know, the description doesn't make it sound all that different, but watching him you can just see how much stronger and more stable he is.
From Nicholas - Month 6

Equally difficult to pinpoint, he started figuring out different ways to play with a bunch of different toys. Nothing super complicated, but it is like something clicked and he realized he could do more than just grab at them and try to shove them in his mouth. Although don't get me wrong, he still does a lot of that.

And, the most impressive of all, he has started taking steps! The first time he did it, I wasn't sure I'd seen correctly, and the second time I was certain it was just random coincidence, but he has now done it probably 8 or 10 times this week and is getting a little more confident with each try. He is nowhere near walking because he is very unsteady on his legs even when being supported, but again, something clicked this week and he realized he could pick up his feet and move them rather than lunging forward while acting as though his feet were stuck in cement.

This video is from tonight when he pieced together the most steps I've seen yet. There were a few steps before I could get the camera going. (As usual, click on the image below to play the clip.)
From Nicholas - Month 6

What I love most about this video is how excited he is. The first couple times I don't think he realized the implications either, but he seems to be understanding what he has discovered. And he is so excited! As much as it makes me sad that he is growing up so quickly, I can't help but celebrate with him as he learns and discovers new things.

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