Thursday, November 26, 2009

6 month update

Nicholas' doctor's appointment is on Monday, so we'll post stats then, but for now, here is a summary of where Nicholas stands at 6 months.

In terms of tangible skills learned, this has been the month of gross motor development. He can now roll in any and all directions and is a proficient sitter and confident supported walker. Those first few hesitant steps I posted about a couple weeks ago have turned into walking marathons clear across the apartment. Joe and I spend a lot of time scooting around on the floor behind him. He, however, unlike a normal baby, seems to have no interest in scooting or crawling. We'll see if he ever does.

In the intangible category, he has started to seem more like a little boy than a baby. And I won't lie, it makes me sort of sad.

He has instituted a morning nap and shorter afternoon nap in place of his old habit of a marathon afternoon nap. In all honesty, this is not as convenient for us since it makes outings more difficult as well as harder to get a good chunk of schoolwork done during the day. But since walking across the apartment for him is roughly the equivalent of me running 3 miles, it makes sense that he is worn out by 10am.

Other than that, this was the month of getting his first two teeth, starting on solid foods, and exploring and interacting with the world in new ways. He is becoming an adventurous little boy who wants to take on the world and do it on his terms. And good luck to the person who tries to stand in his way. Sound like anyone else you know?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
From Nicholas - Month 6

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