Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving trip

As you probably gathered from the pictures in the last few posts, we went up to New York to spend Thanksgiving with Joe's family. Because of crazy work schedules, we ended up doing Thanksgiving on Wednesday, so we were there from Monday night to Thursday afternoon. A little weird, but it meant that all of the family could be together, which is the most important thing.

Nicholas was overwhelmed by the number of new people he met (and had trouble figuring out how to nap through noise for the first day or so), and so was a little extra cranky, but overall did a good job. We went into the city Tuesday morning and spent a couple hours with some friends of Joe's from high school and college. Wednesday morning we took him over to the boys' high school. Then that evening some family friends came by for a few hours. By Thursday afternoon when we stopped by a neighbor's house, he was very upset with us.

But he loved hanging out with his grandparents, uncles, and aunt. Now that he is old enough to enjoy silly antics and being tickled, having so many uncles is the best thing ever. There are a bunch of pictures from the trip in The Peanut Gallery, but here is one that captures the fun of being a little boy with a lot of uncles:
From Nicholas - Month 6
Also, on a completely unrelated note, I finally got a shot that gives you a pretty good view of his teeth:
From Nicholas - Month 6

We're now back home and have already jumped back into our normal routine. Joe has a big deadline (and with short notice) on Monday, so he will probably spend the next few days at the school library. I'm trying to figure out how to keep Nicholas occupied and take care of errands while avoiding the crowds, while simultaneously making Christmas presents, ordering Christmas cards, and you know, finishing my own dissertation. And so, yes, here I am blogging because it is much less intimidating.

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