Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Night of Firsts

Nicholas had a night full of firsts tonight. We started off with carrots. Yay for food with taste! He actually was a little skeptical at first, but polished off the entire container and, as you can see, was quite happy.

From Nicholas - Month 7

He then got cleaned up through two more firsts: his first solo bath and first time brushing his teeth. He was not a huge fan of being in the tub by himself and pulled himself up a couple times trying to get out and into my arms. But, he quite enjoyed the tooth brushing. I think it basically amounted to "Oh, cool, something fun in my mouth to chew on."

The other fun new thing in Nicholas' world is the Christmas tree. We've put it up and decorated it gradually over the past few days when we had a few minutes free here and there.
From Nicholas - Month 7

I am really glad he is 6 months old for December rather than 9 months old because if he could get over to the tree on his own, we'd be in trouble. As it is, he enjoys exploring it, but can only do so when we are standing right there to supervise. We put all the soft ornaments on the bottom, but I'm actually more worried about him getting a fake pine needle off and in his mouth than I am about him breaking ornaments.


  1. He didn't like the bath because the water was freezing cold!

  2. That bath water is hard to regulate the temperature on! Even the warmest gets pretty cold pretty quickly. Hmm.

    Glad the carrots went well! We started with sweet potatoes and had an allergy issue arise.
