Saturday, December 26, 2009

My Grown-Up Christmas List

There are various points when it becomes increasingly clear that we have officially entered parenthood, and that I am officially a father.

Getting a tie and a belt for Christmas definitely qualifies.

Now, to be honest, Sarah and Nicholas were trying to be sweet and helpful.  As those who know us know, in about two weeks we're headed to a conference where we'll both be interviewing for jobs, and they wanted me to have a fun new tie to wear.  Plus Sarah noticed that my dress belt wasn't looking its best anymore.

Despite that, I've been having a chuckle the last few days noting that I got the most stereotypical Dad present ever, even if I do kind of like the idea.


  1. That is right up our alley - and thus why we don't exchange gifts anymore!

    More in my head, but I have to fight the no-chips-for-breakfast battle...

  2. We tried that last year, and I think neither of us is sure how we ended up doing it again this year. Probably Santa's appearance for Nicholas prompted more of that. And I also got a new office chair, so it wasn't all accessories!

    I'm not so sure about chips, but I always try to keep in mind Bill Cosby's reminder that chocolate cake is quite nutritious: flour, eggs, milk -- it's the perfect food!
