Friday, December 4, 2009

That Makes More Sense

As readers of the blog know, little Nicholas has had a rough week, needle-wise.  He got his regular 6-month vaccinations on Monday, the H1N1 shot on Wednesday, and seasonal flu yesterday.  (Just typing that makes me feel a little cranky.)  Yesterday, and overnight, he's been very cranky and inconsolable relative to his normal self.  This had me mildly concerned that his body might be just a bit overwhelmed at the moment at the massive immune response we've asked of it.  Mommy has ranged from upset to apoplectic.

However, this morning while changing his diaper and getting him dressed, I happened to look inside his mouth at his upper gums.  Lo and behold, there's another tooth coming in, this time on top!  I put him down to wash my hands (as always), and then went over to tell Sarah.  Her response?  "Well now I'm glad he's in pain!"


Since then, I've discovered that he has two teeth coming in simultaneously on top, the ones just off center (which is odd, but apparently more-than-theoretically possible).  Plus, the center of his top gum looks pretty swollen, so I wouldn't be surprised if the center two teeth follow close behind.  So he's definitely double-teething, and possibly quadruple-teething.  No wonder he's been fussy.

It's also funny to note that the doctor on Monday had told us that by the time we saw him next (at the beginning of March for Nicholas's 9-month appointment), Nicholas might have "two to four more teeth."  I don't think he meant by the end of the week.

1 comment:

  1. Abby's first tooth came shooting out the front of her gums. Weirdest thing ever!
