Sunday, November 7, 2010

Weekend up North

We drove up to visit with Joe's parents and grandmother this weekend and Nicholas had a blast! The weekend deserves a detailed post, but I'm exhausted and fully expect Nicholas to get me up sometime before 4am and refuse to sleep unless I lie on his floor with my arm through the slats of his crib, and so just don't have the energy to muster. Either that or I have become incapable of telling a story without pictures to jog my memory and I left our camera at home.

Short (and incredibly dry) version: Nicholas adores his grandparents but did not do well with sleeping. He has been pretty awful about sleeping through the night for weeks now, but either the excitement or the car naps that threw off his schedule really did him in on this trip and I feel like we spent half our energy each day trying to convince him to sleep. Ick. But he had so much fun playing with his grandparents and was so excited to see them! I think he will be heartbroken in the morning to realize that he doesn't get to see them. Luckily for this devoted little boy, we'll be back in like 6 weeks.

And tonight he went to bed at 6:30. And now I am following pathetically close behind.

Good night.

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