Thursday, November 11, 2010

Home sick

Nicholas right now looks like he got into a bar fight ... with the cartoon guy from the Mucinex commercials.  Yes, folks, pink eye has struck our household.

It's a strange illness.  It seems like most kids get it at some point, and it's incredibly contagious (so says everyone).  In fact, the doctor's office didn't even want me to bring him in, lest other patients get it.  Instead, the nurse there called in a prescription to our pharmacy, so instead of infecting the kids at the doctor's office, we wandered around our local grocery store for half an hour waiting for the prescription to be filled.

In any event, he seems to feel mostly fine, which is good.  For the intensity of the reaction (it's an automatic out from daycare), it's not a particularly harmful disease.  Assuming that the reliable web resources are, well, reliable, it even will go away on its own within a week to 10 days (though treatment cuts it down and helps prevent its spread).  So his eye looks terrible, but he's relatively happy and able to play.  And he picked a "good" day to get sick, since I was working in Baltimore and didn't have much scheduled because of Veterans Day.  So no sweat to stay home.

Oh, and the advice I got as I was leaving work, from two fellow parents: "don't get it, it stinks."  Good safety tip.  As if I needed another reason to be obsessive about hygiene.

And now, back to Sesame Street . . .

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