Monday, November 29, 2010

Language Explosion

Nicholas finally started saying his own name!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We'll see if he keeps it up tomorrow, but this morning I tricked him into it and he then was doing it on his own this evening. We've tried tricking him in the past with no luck. But this morning I was brushing my teeth and intentionally pretended not to understand him when he asked for his teeth to be brushed (acting as though he was referring to my teeth) until he specified "Nicholas teeth." And then tonight we were working on putting up the tree and on his own (after being told not to touch the lights) he started saying "Ommy Dada touch. Nicholas no touch." He then pointed to himself saying Nicholas. So he totally gets it and seems to have passed whatever mental hurdle kept him from trying to say his name.

He has also started putting together whole sentences. Not with correct grammar or anything, but complete sentences nonetheless.

And to supplement "ho ho ho," in the past 24 hours he has added "Christmas," "Santa," and "wreath" to his vocabulary.

It really seems that every time we spend an extended period with family, he comes home and makes a huge leap on language. Maybe after 5 days in New York at Christmas he'll be fluent.

1 comment:

  1. After five days in New York, just what language do you think he'll be fluent in?

    Or, to put it another way: you think he'll be fluent in just five days? Fuhgeddaboudit.
