Monday, November 8, 2010


A couple additions to last night's post:

Nicholas managed to sleep until 5:15 last night (okay, this morning) and took an almost 3-hour long nap at daycare but then fought Joe tooth and nail at bedtime. I wasn't home but apparently he screamed and called for "ommy" for over half an hour before he gave up and went to sleep. What ever happened to our wonderful sleeper?

Joe's parents sent some pictures off their camera from the weekend, so here are a couple highlights:

Nicholas got his grandparents to play many a round of "Ring Around the Rosie," which obviously he loved:
From 2010 November

And Nicholas got his picture taken with Santa:
From 2010 November
We went to the mall just to get out of the house and do something and Santa was standing around bored. Given that Grandma Alice loves all things Christmas, it was too good of an opportunity to pass up.


  1. Santa looked familiar to me. There's this guy at Physical Therapy that is a dead ringer for Kris Kringle, with the white beard and long white hair, and I've chatted with him several times while on the tread mill. I brought this photo to the gang there and they all shouted,"hey, there's Bob Watson."

  2. Okay, I don't know what you're talking about, because he was very clear that he is the one and only Santa Claus, the real, genuine article, who was on a brief trip down from the North Pole to take photos with good little boys and girls and find out what they wanted for Christmas. Whether this "Bob Watson" you mention is even a real person is an open question. I would add that Santa did smell faintly of reindeer when we arrived.
