Sunday, June 7, 2009


So the nutritional supplements are not going to work. Nicholas had a really rough day today and we are pretty sure it was something in the Ensure that his system did not like. I had called a breastfeeding hotline before I drank it and they said there was nothing in it that could hurt him, but apparently there was something that made him really uncomfortable. He kept starting to feed and then getting really agitated and pushing off and was staying all agitated in between feedings and was unable to sleep soundly.

Luckily I had some pumped milk in the freezer so we tested our theory this afternoon by switching him to pumped milk while I pumped and threw out the contaminated milk. He calmed down some with the bottles and by 3:30 we figured I had gotten rid of all my contaminated milk and I fed him for real. That feeding was back to his normal routine, his face got back its normal color (he had been just a tad pale), and he is now sleeping soundly in the pack n' play.

So the good news is that the problem is solved and Nicholas is back to normal. The bad news is that one more option for getting my stomach under control is eliminated. I just feel so bad that he had to suffer from the experiment.

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