Thursday, May 21, 2009

Super-secret project

After the chaos and exhaustion of last week, I spent most of Sunday and Monday curled up in bed, alternating between sleeping and watching TV, trying to recover from the zombie-like state I had reduced my body to. But by Tuesday I was faced with a dilemma—I was bored but was having trouble getting up the motivation to start on a big project like a chapter, not knowing how much time I had to work on it. So I started working on some of the discrete projects that I needed to do this summer—things like compiling teaching evaluations for job applications and drafting syllabi for survey classes. None of these are urgent, but have to get done eventually and psychologically were much easier to tackle than anything directly linked to the dissertation.

And last night I was bored enough that Joe finally convinced me to work on a super-secret sewing project for Peanut that he had commissioned me to do months ago. I had been putting it off because it required some engineering, a type of thing I had never made before and that I don’t have a pattern for. Normally in these situations I rely on being able to call my mom for suggestions, but obviously the super-secret nature of this project closed off that option. But I was desperate, so I pulled out the fabric and my sewing machine and in less than two hours it was done! It isn’t perfect, but pretty dang close given that I was making it up as I went. The biggest problem was actually that my thread kept breaking and I couldn’t figure out why since all the tension settings were exactly as they had been every other time I used the machine.

Yes, this post is just taunting, but I promise to post pictures in a couple weeks of said super-secret project. :)

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