Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Blood Pressure

I think I may be the first pregnant woman ever whose doctor recommended a high salt diet to raise her blood pressure. Normally the concern in pregnancy is high blood pressure. And my blood pressure has been higher for most of the pregnancy than it was pre-pregnancy. But the past couple weeks I’ve started getting dizzy again. And not recovering from it as quickly, leading me to give up last week and just sit through all of mass. And, sure enough, my blood pressure has been lower at the last two appointments. Not so low that it is actually a problem (and they would much prefer low to high), so don’t worry, but raising it a little would reduce the risk of randomly passing out.

My doctor’s explanation: I’m too thin. I almost laughed out loud at that one. Seriously? I can’t fit in most of my maternity clothes anymore, I’m seeing numbers on the scale I’ve never seen before, and the most frequent comment I get from people is about how huge I look (thanks for that, by the way). But all of that is apparently due to Peanut’s size and the way Peanut is situated in my belly (how I'm carrying, in pregnancy lingo). I don’t understand the science behind it, but apparently fat somehow helps your blood circulate. And so, lacking enough of that, my body is currently having difficulty forcing the blood back up my legs and past the placenta with any rapidity.

So I’m supposed to eat salty foods, drink lots of water (I swear, I’m trying), not stand still for long periods of time, and just stay sitting in church. But I’m hopeful that her little demonstration of how she couldn’t find any fat on my belly to pinch will mean that I have a chance of fitting into my pre-pregnancy clothes again. Although maybe not if I continue making a chocolate cake every other week. But the one I made tonight is particularly yummy, if I do say so myself. :)

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