Thursday, May 21, 2009

Snippets from the other room

Okay, I swear I'm going to stop blogging soon and do real work, but I have to share what I'm overhearing in the next room. Joe is looking up things that happened on the dates in the next week and a half and every once in awhile I overhear excited exclamations like:

"Oh! May 24th was the birthday of Queen Victoria AND Fahrenheit"

"May 23rd was the birthday of Linnaeus!" This one led me to call back, "Who in the world is that?" Apparently he is the one who created binomial nomenclature. And while I appreciate genus and species as much as the next girl . . .

May 28th is apparently Rudy Giuliani's birthday--the only date so far that has elicited a negative reaction.

And his favorite? May 29th. He already had a soft spot for it knowing it was JFK's birthday, but discovered it was also Patrick Henry's birthday and the day Bing Crosby first recorded "White Christmas." This sparked the comment, "It's fate." We'll see.


  1. You can add May 30th to the list.

    WKCR, 89.9 FM, a public radio station in New York, has been running a Benny Goodman marathon. And when I say marathon, I mean they are playing EVERY record on which Benny Goodman has ever appeared which they can find, in chronological order of recording date.

    The whole thing will run for 375 consecutive hours, a little under 17 days. It started a few days ago and will end on May 30th.

    Why May 30th? Because that is Benny Goodman's Centennial, his 100th birthday.

    Of course, Grandma Alice and Grandpa Zippy are still rooting for Peanut to make an earlier appearance.

  2. I saw that, too, but I think Sarah had grown bored of me by then. But now I've got WKCR streaming on my computer -- thanks!

  3. Bing Crosby recorded "White Christmas" in late May?

  4. Why did White Christmas elicit the "It's fate" response? Joe was always such a curmudgeon on Christmas.

  5. Ooo, May 22 was the day that Preston Brooks laid a pimp caning on Charles Sumner on the floor of the Senate.

    Also, May 25 was a good day. Star Wars was released, and it was the birthday for Dixie Carter and Ian McKellen (in the same year!) and for Sgt. Slaughter (I assume the real one and not the cartoon character). I vote for one of those two.
