Sunday, May 3, 2009

Stacy's Dream

For your entertainment, here is part of a gmail chat conversation with Stacy:
Stace: i dreamt about peanut last night
it was a fun dream :)
Sarah: tell tell
Stace: i was at your apt and peanut was born and i was playing with peanut on that fun activity mat thing that you have
matt was there too...i think in my dream, it was around the baptism time
and Peanut just was making everyone so happy by smiling and giggling
Sarah: awww
I want Peanut
Stace: Peanut didn't have red hair
in my dream
Sarah: I read that to Joe and he said "that doesn't sound like my child"
I reminded him that it is my child too
Stace: lol
i hope Peanut smiles!
and plays
and laughs
it would be very sad otherwise
Sarah: me too! I've decided that if Peanut is like Daddy, I'm just going to have to hug the grumpy bubble out of it. Just like I did with Joe
Stace: lol
i'll help out on that
Sarah: I think Joe will too--he now loves hugs
Stace: he just needed to know what he was missing
Peanut was a hugging-type kid in my dream
hopefully it was realistic
oh, and i forgot the best part!
guess what Peanut was wearing?
Sarah: what?
Stace: one of those fun carter's sleepers with the dogs on the feet
Sarah: awesome!!!
Stace: that is totally possible to be realistic...therefore i conclude that the other parts of the dream are also lol
Sarah: Peanut doesn't own that one yet, but if we have money left on a babies r' us giftcard in a few months, I may go buy that entire line--I just love the feet

1 comment:

  1. Very cute. I thought for a few weeks that Abby would pull through and be a red head, but alas she's completely blond. Oh well. :o)
