Friday, May 8, 2009

Preparing Katia

There are only a few things left to do on our “Preparing for Peanut” list, but since it has rained for most of the last six weeks, anything involving the car kept getting pushed off. But thanks to a couple short breaks in the rain, these have now been checked off.

Installing the car seat took a grand total of 3 minutes. Since our cars are too old to have the latch system, installing the base for the infant carrier consists of the complicated process of wrapping the seat belt over it and pulling until tight. But when we put the carrier onto the base we realized just how tiny our car is. We put the car seat in the middle for safety reasons, but it turns out it has to go there anyway because it won’t fit behind the front seats. It seriously sticks out between our seats! And we got the smallest version of the infant carrier. I swear car seats are made for minivans and SUVs.

While we didn’t realize just how small our backseat is, we were well aware that our trunk was too small to accommodate the amount of baby-related stuff it will need to haul. (Keep in mind we live on the third floor, so things like the stroller are going to have to live in the trunk.) To increase space in the trunk we decided to finally remove the CD player that hasn’t worked in 4 years. That took about 15 minutes (although it did require Joe to climb in the trunk to reach one bolt, and no, I didn’t close it on him) and I’m now not sure why it took us 4 years to get rid of it.

So Katia is now ready for a new little passenger:

1 comment:

  1. (chanting quietly - sling, sling, sling. They're smaller than strollers and keep people from touching your baby!)

    I never once had Abby's seat in my car because it is smaller than yours! We installed the extra base, but it went untouched for the eight months we used it. The good news is that once you turn it to the front (at a year) it will open the car back up and feel huge!
