Friday, April 24, 2009

Playtime or torture?

Sometimes I wonder if what we call “playtime” is actually a form of torture for Peanut. Is Peanut enjoying the interaction or moving a lot trying futilely to escape the invasion of its nice calm world from the crazy people outside?

But, then again, Peanut reacts to Joe’s voice in particular. While moving in response to us touching its feet when it pushes them out could be it trying to escape, if Peanut’s movements in response to talking were just trying to escape noise, it wouldn’t move so much more at Joe’s voice than any other sound, right?

It really is pretty amazing the bond those two have. Peanut has random active spells during the day and sometimes gets a little more active when I start pounding bottle caps or skittles, but it is nothing like the active bursts when Peanut can hear Joe’s voice clearly. About 90% of the time Joe can get a reaction from the baby, and if he is talking to it while I’m lying down and there aren’t other things going on, that goes up to closer to 98%. I occasionally get a twinge of jealousy, but mostly I just revel in the joy I get observing them.

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