Friday, February 18, 2011

Weekend Miscellany

Some news and notes from the week, none of which would merit an entire post on its own:

  • Pretending has become a big thing. For the last few days, Nicholas has been putting his Pillow Pet doggie "to bed," lying him down on the couch and pulling a blanket over him. Then, in a moment that could melt a glacier, he leans in, gives the Pillow Pet a kiss, and says, "night night doggie!"  Very cute.
  • If Nicholas had his druthers, we would be saying "Grace" five or six times per meal.  He really enjoys getting us to hold hands, and at this point he can now (sort of) say it himself, which he also gets a kick out of.
  • Believe it or not, Nicholas is actually disappointed that we're done doing eye drops for his latest bout of pink eye.  In the morning and the evening, he automatically goes to the spot where we have him lie down, lies down, and says "eye drops." The first time he did it I gave him some yogurt drops (his compensation for being good about the medicine), but it felt a little too much like we were training a puppy or a seal or something.
  • In a related vein, Nicholas may be the only toddler I've ever met with whom reason is the most likely way to get him to do something.  The other day when I dropped him off at school no one was in his classroom, but he started to whine when I said it was time to go to the gym.  So I simply said, "Nicholas, there are no grown ups here, so we have to go to the gym to find Ms. Jamie." And off we went, as simple as that. Very strange, but appreciated.
  • Random non-Nicholas note: If you look along the right side, you'll see that our counter is about to hit 10,000. In fact, you might be #10,000 yourself!  Of course, we've had many more visitors than that, because we started counting five months after we started the blog, but it's always fun to see the odometer turn over, right?  Especially when it doesn't involve getting a brake check or an oil change ...
Nicholas may end up a little disappointed, given the excitement of the past few weeks, but I for one am looking forward to a somewhat quieter time this weekend. Even so we'll hopefully have more stories (and, more importantly, photos) to post.


  1. Treating your son as a seal - brilliant! Totally true, too. (For us, not you!)

    Abby has a habit of starting to eat while we finish getting stuff on the table and then giving me the business if I try to take a sip of my drink because we have not said grace. Too funny!

  2. We haven't even bothered yet trying to teach Nicholas that grace precedes eating. He doesn't quite accept that you can put his plate on the table just out of reach from his high chair and leave it there for five minutes while we finish setting up and sit down.

    Of course, that may also help explain why he thinks it's something you can five or six times per meal. Alas.
