Saturday, February 26, 2011


Nicholas got a special surprise yesterday when we picked him up from daycare--Alice was coming over for dinner! This quickly made him forget that he was about to throw a temper tantrum about not being allowed to go to the "choo choo park."

And boy do those two have fun together. They have actually gotten old enough that it was a legitimate playdate. They were doing such a good job of playing together and entertaining each other that Joe actually fell sound asleep on the floor while they played.

I didn't take many pictures, but I did get one video of them playing basketball.
From 2011 February

And here is one picture from the end of the night. Nicholas was pretending to go night-night.
From 2011 February
This is another pretending game he learned from Alice. I think it is interesting that when he pretends to go to sleep he needs a stuffed animal and a blanket, while when you actually put him to bed all he wants is his mobile on and his thumb is in his mouth before his head hits the mattress.

And here is one of them on their horses. I never thought having two horses would come in so handy.
From 2011 February
There are a couple more pictures in The Gallery. They had so much fun! Babysitting Alice is such a piece of cake because the two of them entertain each other. And so far they have been really good about sharing and not fighting. I am impressed.


  1. Awesome when they turn that corner, isn't it? Playing WITH instead of AT is super fun! :o)

  2. Where are the photos of daddy passed out on the floor?

  3. I swear I thought for a second that you had gotten him a Blackberry when you said he wants his mobile on when he goes to bed...
