Monday, February 7, 2011

Not on the List

As I mentioned in the previous post, Uncle Brian came to visit Nicholas this weekend, and much fun was had by all.

Now, you need to understand that before Nicholas was born—actually, before Sarah and I were even married (or Mike and Melinda!)—"Uncle" Brian had started making a list.  One summer afternoon, you see, he had a run-in at an ice cream shop with a gaggle of seven-year-old ballerinas.  He was so disgusted that he came home and announced, "Uncle Brian is not taking the kids for ice cream!"

And thus began a long-running meme.  Uncle Brian wouldn't do this with the kids.  Uncle Brian wouldn't take the kids there.  At one point, we joked that it was clear that Uncle Brian would pretty much only do one thing: sit with the kids and tell them stories about the things he wouldn't do with them.

But now we have photographic evidence to the contrary.

Uncle Brian helps to make train loops:

From 2011 February

Uncle Brian plays in blanket forts:

From 2011 February

Uncle Brian poses for photographs:

From 2011 February

Uncle Brian also enjoys going to the library and Target with Nicholas, but taking photographs there is considered gauche.

Finally, Uncle Brian schemed with Mommy to throw me a surprise birthday party.  Which is what the rest of the photos in the February gallery depict ... or at least Nicholas' involvement thereto.

1 comment:

  1. Too funny! I am sure Nicholas will get some uncle-sponsored ice cream some day!
