Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Things I'd Never Do

In class today we were talking about Puritan childrearing and my students couldn't figure out how to reconcile some sources that showed parents demonstrating a lot of indulgence and thereby, according to Puritan logic, endangering their children's souls. And when they couldn't get themselves out of this problem and were starting to get sort of frantic about it not making sense, I ended up saying, "Maybe they just gave up or got tired. My son is only one and a half and I already do lots of things I always said I never would."

Most of them laughed a little, but the one 50+ year old woman nodded knowingly. Obviously the only other parent in the room.

I left it at that in class, but here on this blog I can share the story from yesterday that came to mind during this discussion.

Yesterday Nicholas had a bit of a fever and I had to pick him up early. I had been having a pretty crappy day myself, so when he and I got home I didn't have the energy to play with him, even though in all honesty he was basically fine--a little cranky, but with plenty of interest in playing. So what did we do?

We curled up together in the chair, watched an episode of Sesame Street, and shared a bowl of chocolate ice cream.

The teenage me is going on a rant about parenting standards. The adult me just wants another bowl of ice cream.

1 comment:

  1. It was not until Abby dug into black beans at Chipotle at about age 1 that I stopped saying "I will never" and judging what other people do with their children. You have to do what works for you and for your child. Plus, Nicholas is going to remember that you were creative and, uhh, looking out for the sanity needs for both of you. That is M-odeling balance! :o)
